2020-2021 Gentemstick ROCKET FISH



Powder | Directional

Sizes: 144

Profile: Camber (Traditional)

"The world-record class nose width provides the float. The short length ensures super-swift moves. The bamboo-core promises a strong snap-back and the deep fish-tail a distinct maneuverability. The super-short and super-fat outline assures an extraordinary carving ability and an incredible sense of speed.

The riding image of this board doubles the one of surfing down-the-line a fast-breaking wave. It will swim like a fish, surfing natural half-pipes as if on a reeling reef-break. Rip side-banks in the resorts and carve like a razorblade on the groomers. Rocketfish: The ultimate snowsurfboard for the true snowsurfer."

Other Seasons

Sizes available

Sizes cm 144
Stance width mm 520 mm
Waist width mm 294 mm