2020-2021 Gnu Essential Service


Essential Service

Freeride | Directional

Sizes: 155 159 159 W 161 161 W 164 W

Profile: Rocker w/ cambers Stiffness: 8/10

"The ultimate smooth riding directional camber freeride snowboard. The ES will provide you with the essential power and control you need when you are sending it. The smooth long low entry nose floats the pow when it counts and you can feel good at the end of the day with that beverage in the lodge knowing a portion of the proceeds from this board went to help young people find their way in this challenging world."

Other Seasons

Sizes available

Sizes cm 155 159 159W 161 161W 164W
Stance width mm 635 mm 635 mm 635 mm 635 mm 635 mm 635 mm
Waist width mm 248 mm 250 mm 260 mm 252 mm 262 mm 265 mm